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Olive cosmetics

Olive cosmetics

Olives and olive oil are not only wonderful to eat, but also unfold their power in natural cosmetics. Our olive cosmetics section, which is based on the unique Mani organic olive oil from Greece, is based on the rich tradition of Mediterranean beauty care
✓Skin care, body cleansing & lip care ♥ No animal testing ✓ With Mani organic olive oil ☀ Free from synthetic emulsifiers, fragrances and colorants ♥100% organic
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Olive oil cosmetics

Our olive & olive oil cosmetics have been on the market for over 20 years. The organic olive oil for the creams, lotions and care products comes from Greece. The olive oil cosmetics are produced on the basis of extra virgin Mani organic olive oil in Salzburg, in the Pieper Biokosmetik Manufaktur. All organic olive cosmetic products are free from chemical preservatives, fragrances and colorants. The raw materials come from controlled organic cultivation.

Experience the benefits of Mani organic olive oil in every application:

Nourishing skin care: our products harness the intense moisturizing and antioxidant power of Mani Organic Olive Oil to nourish, revitalize and protect your skin from the signs of aging. From gentle cleansing oils to moisturizing face & skin creams - let your skin shine with new radiance.

Body cleansing and relaxation: Immerse yourself in a luxurious bathing experience with our body care products. Mani organic olive oil has a soothing and nourishing effect while you leave the stresses of everyday life behind you. From fragrant shower gel and olive soap to rich body oils - pamper yourself from head to toe.

Why is olive oil used in cosmetics?

Olive oil and olive leaves contain special active ingredients that are used in Mani natural cosmetics.

Oleuropein, which is present in high quantities in olive tree leaves and in small quantities in the pulp and oil, has antioxidant properties. Olive oil therefore promotes cell regeneration and has a preventative effect against the signs of skin ageing. At the same time, this active ingredient also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Oleocanthal is another substance in olive oil that has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The enzyme elastase, which is contained in olive oil in large quantities, restores elasticity to the skin

Other active ingredients are sqalan (protects and smoothes the skin) and flavonoids (phenolic compounds with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties).

In summary, olive oil helps to make the skin more supple and resilient. At the same time, olive oil promotes cell regeneration and has a preventive effect against the signs of skin ageing. In facial care, olive oil provides pampering care for both dry and oily skin.

The best skin care for you personally

There are different skin types (seven in total), which have different skin care needs. Be it dry or oily, sensitive or combination skin, here is a brief insight into how you can best use Mani organic cosmetics for yourself.

Normal skin care

Normally, 'normal' skin is understood to be relatively insensitive skin that is neither too dry nor too oily. This skin type usually requires less intensive care. Nevertheless, it is advisable to choose the right skincare product to keep this skin type radiant and healthy.

It is advisable to use a moisturizing cream that is only slightly moisturizing. This will help to balance the skin's moisture levels while ensuring that it does not become overly oily. Mani Bläuel's Light Moisturizing Cream is a suitable choice here.

to the product

Dry skin care:

Dry skin benefits above all from very rich creams with predominantly oily ingredients. The rich organic olive cream from Mani Bläuel, which can also be used on the face, is recommended here.

Oily skin care:

Oily skin often results in clogged pores and pimples. Care should therefore be taken to ensure that the sebaceous glands do not become dehydrated. This is because dehydration stimulates the sebaceous glands, which produces even more oil that clogs the pores. This can cause bacteria to spread and pimples to form.

In this case, it is advisable to use a moisturizing cream that is only slightly moisturizing. This helps to balance the skin's moisture content while ensuring that it does not become excessively greasy. Mani Bläuel's Light Moisturizing Cream is a suitable choice here.

Combination skin care:

Combination skin appears on the face as follows: While the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) is shiny, the cheeks often appear pale or flaky. The aim is therefore to restore the skin's natural balance without clogging the pores. Of course, various products can be used in this case. A rich cream is recommended for dry cheeks, while a light moisturizer is beneficial for the T-zone.

Blemished skin care:

Blemished skin can manifest itself in various forms, be it blackheads, spots or acne. At the same time, the causes can also vary. For some people, genetic predisposition is the decisive factor, for others hormonal reasons or an unhealthy diet play a role. It is generally advisable to seek medical advice first and follow a few tips:

  1. Use skincare products that are free from fragrances and colorants. (Mani organic cosmetics are free from chemical preservatives, fragrances and colorants)
  2. Cleanse the face with gentle and natural products.
  3. Use skin care products with soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Mature skin care:

Mature skin tends to become drier, lose elasticity and develop wrinkles. No skincare product can completely stop this natural process. However, the right product can minimize this process and make the skin appear healthier and fresher. Mani's rich olive cream (day and night cream) is particularly suitable for mature skin and provides it with sufficient moisture.

Sensitive skin care:

Delicate or sensitive skin can take various forms. For some people, the skin feels tight, for others it may itch or blush. There are also cases where pimples, inflammation or rashes can occur. Mild, soothing care that is as natural as possible can make a big difference for this skin type.